BLUE MONDAY, trasmissione musicale che si ispira ai viaggi ed alla trilogia dello scrittore americano William Least Heat Moon. Un viaggio a 360° nel mondo della musica attraverso le “Strade Blu” … perché se la musica va apprezzata a trecentosessantagradi va anche trasmessa a trecentosessantagradi … Il concetto di Strada Blu, quelle che nelle vecchie cartine americane erano segnate con questo colore, le Strade Statali da percorrere senza fretta godendosi il panorama … non appartiene solo all’America ed ai suoi grandi spazi … ci sono Strade Blu ovunque, da percorrere … e musica da ascoltare …

BLUE MONDAY Season 2 Episode 4

36 Puntata 26-10-2015 – Route 66

.The Funky Chicken (Kronos Quartet),
.The Junk Food Blues (Kronos Quartet),
.Barstow: Eight Hitchhikers Inscriptions from a Highway Railing at Barstow (Kronos Quartet),
.Death Valley Suite (Ferde Grofè),
.Earth Wind & Fire Medley (Santa Fè & the Fat City Horns),
.Tico Tico,
.Bumble Boogie (Liberace),
.Muskrat Rumble,
.That Old Black Magic,
.I Get a Kick Out of You (Rat Pack),
.Human (The Killers),
.Viva Las Vegas (Elvis Presley)

Eight Hitchhikers Inscriptions from a Highway Railing at Barstow

Number 1
It’s January 26.
I’m freezing. Ed Fitzgerald, age 19. Five feet, ten inches.
Black hair, Brown eyes.
Going home to Boston, Massachusetts.
It’s 4:00 p.m. and I’m hungry and broke. I wish I was dead.
But today I am a man.
Number 2
Go to 530 East Lemon Avenue in Monrovia, for an easy handout.
Number 3
Marie Blackwell, age 19.
Brown eyes, brown hair.
Considered pretty.
Here’s where I live:
118 East Ventura Street, Las Vegas, Nevada
Object: matrimony
Number 4
Dear Marie:
A very good idea you have there…
I too am on the look-out for a suitable mate.
My description
(No description follows so he evidently got his ride.)
Number 5
Possible rides
January 16: 58
January 17: 76
January 18: 19
January 19: 6
January 20: 11
To hell with it, I’m going to walk.
Number 6
Jesus was God in the Flesh.
Number 7
Looking for millionaire wife
Good looking, very handsome, intelligent, good bull-thrower, et cetera…
All you have to do is find me, you lucky women. Name’s George.
Number 8
Here’s wishing all who read this if they can get a lift and the best of luck to you.
Why in hell did you come, anyway? Damn it anyhow, here I am stuck in the cold.
I’ve come 2700 miles from Chi, Illinois. Slept along the highway. Slept in open box car without top. Went hungry for two days (raining, too).
But they say there’s a hell, what the hell do they think this is?
I’m on my way, one half of desert to the East, then back to L.A. to try once more.
Car just passed by. Make two more, three more.
Do not think they’ll let me finish my story.
Hoping to get the hell out. Here’s my name:
Johnnie Reinwald, 915 South Westlake Avenue, Los Angeles.

Lunedì 26 Ottobre alle ore 21.00,
Monday October 26 – 2015 09.00 p.m. italian time
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